Make Music Shakers

Over winter break my sister-in-laws were in town and took it upon themselves to clean out my mother-in-law’s pantry. They found two one-pound bags of coffee we had left there in 2016. We deemed the coffee too old to consume, but just as my husband was about to toss them in the trashcan, I said, “Wait, let’s see if the boys’ class could use them to make something.” Of course it sat on our counter for weeks before I did anything with them. Then one day I thought maybe we could make little shakers for the boys’ classrooms with the old coffee beans. I started saving small jars from this immunity shot that we drink. It was easy to amass tons of jars in a short amount of time. My oldest son was super interested in this project and decided to make a music lesson out of it. He ended up doing a short presentation for his class.

We had enough coffee beans leftover to make shakers for my younger son’s class as well. He gave them out as Valentines this past week.

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